I am Bethany Kowaleski, way shower of truth and light. My vision is to live in a world where humans are fully tapped into their souls path and they are consciously choosing to follow their calling.

Some people call me: Nutritionist, Teacher, Life Coach, Mentor, Holistic Health Advisor, The Chaos Queen, Women’s Empowerment coach, Medical Intuitive, Friend, Daughter, Sister and Partner…

The truth is.. I am Bethany. And I wear a lot of hats or what I like to call CAPES (like Wonder Woman!)

My mission is to provide awareness and support in living your souls mission through mind body spirit connection. I do this with friends, family and clients through food, movement, breathwork, Ayurveda and eastern medicines. The 4 pillars I work closely with are EAT (food), MOVE (exercise and daily movement), REST (self care and compassion, recovery, rejuvenation) and INSPIRE (breathwork and connecting to spirit)

The tools I bring to bear are my Bachelor’s Degree in Nutritional Sciences with a focus in Dietetics (the science behind the diet), A minor in Women’s Studies from the University of Connecticut, Certified Precision Nutrition Coach, 10+ years in fitness industry, 10 years in nutrition and lifestyle coaching, 3 years of alternative healing methods including Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and most recently I am a Certified Medical Intuitive through the psyche Institute.

I have 20 + years of customer service experience…. Yes, if you are doing the math that means my mother, the hairdresser, had me working at the salon at 10 years old. It built character… i think…

I have read DOZENS of self help and personal development books including my TOP 3 favorite: The Four Agreements, Untamed and Women Who Love Too Much. I have participated in many retreats including breathwork, meditation, yoga and plant medicine ceremonies. I have worked with coaches on my personal life, my business, and my connection to spirit in masterminds and one to one setting. In addition to all this fancy *stuff* I accredit most of my *knowing* to my GOOD OLD FASHIONED experience in life. 

That personal experience also started as a young age (along side my salon hours hah).

You see, everything traces BACK to food and health with me. My grandparents all had some sort of *dis- ease*: heart, cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes… you name it. So my parents raised me in a way that I NOW acknowledge was a very healthy and intentional way of being. 

“Breaking the generational chain” if you will. I love to brag about how I ate hummus before it was cool and I’m still processing the amount of oatmeal I ate as a child (no cereal in my house!!) 

I grew up practicing healthy habits before I knew it was a thing, so when I went to college and I was the only one eating frozen brussels sprouts after a night of binge drinking, I knew I was different. I survived an all girls high school without totally developing an eating disorder – what does it hurt to have an obsession over my vegetable intake hurt?

All of this is to say, I didn’t let the oddity of the habits break me. Instead, I’m building an empire around them. What I learned for my personal experience is this… Food is allowed to be easy. You are allowed to be healthy and have fun. The challenges your experience around food are likely not about food, the feelings you have in your body are more than likely tied to a stuck emotion you are either unwilling to or dont have the tools to express and obsessions and addictions tend to resolve themselves when you have a purpose driven life that you nourish and are passion about.

I decided to become an expert in the food field, took to learning about bodies and * voila *, there goes seven years in the industry. Learning both what I wanted to be like and what I did not want to be like as a professional. Two years ago I picked up Glennon Doyle‘s untamed from Amazon during the pandemic, quite frankly because I like the colors of the book… It looks fun - the way most of my good stories start…

The section of the book about her finding her knowing *knowing* as she calls it has led ME to finding my own *knowing*- what I like to call my path to my something better… (the name of the podcast I now co-host)

Your knowing is your intuition. It’s the thing inside of you that says “yes” and “we trust this person” or “you need a vacation”. As a woman it’s a FIERCE tool to use in your life AND it’s something that is very often ignored because it’s * NOT logical * .

YET, I can recall COUNTLESS moments in my professional career when my knowing and intuition led my clients to BREAKTHROUGHS. Whether it was a recommendation of a specific protocol or a question to ask their doctor that led to a solution, I always wondered “how did I know that?!”

and now I know.

When I was introduced to Ayurveda later in my career again, I just knew – it made sense. This is where my life as I know it took off- I started working with my mentor, Justine which led me to hiring Richard Casey, my life coach who brought me back to living an inspired life and KNOWING that what I am doing is divinely guided and aligned.

Lately I’ve gone back to my roots and my family. What I left out of my story is that I come from a long line of very humble, FAMILY, intuitives. I never knew it growing up but I attribute my comfort with the spirit world to going to psychic fairs when I was young with my Aunt Priscilla, hearing stories of my Grandma “putting on tea” for guests that no one else knew would soon arrive and always hearing my mom talking to or asking God for help.

I feel blessed to have these experiences, yes.. ALL of them. These experiences allow me to be me and my acceptance and appreciation of these experiences allow me to teach, guide and support from a place of empathy, compassion and love. My teachings are often from the mind/mental, body/physical, and spiritual perspectives and the tools I use vary from situation to situation. I believe in the multidimensional universe and the multidimensionality within all of us and to me, that means there IS no separation in the mind, body and spirit so let’s work with them.

My clients tend to come to me at different points in their journey- some are just starting while other are working on the nourishment practices. Regardless of where you are I invite you to take a moment to celebrate just that… where you are, because you’ve done DAMN GOOD getting here.

My goal is to provide you with tools for the human experience so you can first get into your body, out of your mind and into your heart and remember your wholeness and THEN nourish that for the rest of your life. Coming back to my place of wholeness is the greatest gift I’ve given myself.

My work is dedicated to anyone who desires to feel whole, complete, supported, abundant and loved EXACTLY how they are. To anyone seeking their something better but not knowing where to start. My work is supportive to anyone who knows their mission is bigger than clocking in and clocking out, who has passion for changing the world starting from the inside out. Thank you for being here, I love you!

xo, Bethany

“How can I describe a woman that has helped me save my life? It is hard to describe how I came to lose 80 pounds once I met Bethany and how much better my life is as a result. Bethany is full of ideas and optimism. I never was hopeless to her. Thanks to her, I started to learn a new relationship to food.”


“Before I came to Bethany, I had trouble figuring out how to balance my life so I wasn’t depriving myself of things I enjoyed. I wanted to lose weight but was really stuck. I have the tools to have foods I enjoy, while also remaining healthy and moving toward my weight loss goals.

— Brittany

“My life is changed. I have so many tools and I now understand how important it is to take care of myself no matter WHAT. I now understand what my body needs to have energy and feel satisfied. I set boundaries and stick to them, I have and use coping strategies at a job that causes me high levels of stress.”

— Bri





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